PYTHA Workshop - Creating Workshop Definitions (Lunch and Learn)
For detailed instructions on creating and using definitions through Workshop in PYTHA 25 and above, please see the below link. Creating Workshop Definitions with Katie Sayour This video was recorded as part of our Lunch and Learn sessions on ...
PYTHA Workshop - Type Automatic Name Filters
Type Automatic includes Part Name filters that ensure correct machining is applied depending on your pattern setup and part naming. It is highly recommended that both these filters be activated when running Type Automatic to ensure only the required ...
PYTHA Workshop - Required Settings for CAM EnRoute/EzyNest
If you encounter sudden problems when exporting a job from PYTHA to your CAM software for nesting, you may need to check your Workshop CAM System Settings. These settings may change unexpectedly if a CAM licence on a network licence becomes ...
PYTHA Workshop - Edge Banding Disappearing When Running Export to CAM
Occasionally when processing a job from PYTHA using Export to CAM some Edge Banding may randomly disappear. This is caused by the corruption of certain parts within the model - specifically parts that have had holes put in them using Boolean > ...
PYTHA Workshop - Creating Rebates With Router Edges
In PYTHA Workshop, the Router Edges function allows for the creation and export of custom routing. This could be machining for a recessed handle, a groove for an LED light strip housing, or any other face routing that cannot be generated through Type ...
PYTHA Workshop - Removing Ghost Points
Occasionally moving parts that have Type Automatic bore holes can create additional points, such as those shown in the image below. These points lose their connection to the original bore holes and can't be deleted using the usual Workshop > Bore ...
PYTHA Workshop - Controlling Segments For My Holes
When drawing circular faces to turn into My Holes, it is best not to use a large number of segments. Large numbers of segments are not needed to define drilling and will inflate file size unnecessarily. It is best to use an even number of segments ...
PYTHA Workshop - Naming Convention For Router Export To DXF Layers (AlphaCAM and EnRoute)
PYTHA Workshop uses a standardised naming convention when exporting routing information to .dxfs for processing in CAM systems, such as AlphaCAM or EnRoute. This makes it easy to know what information PYTHA will produce, meaning checking settings and ...
PYTHA Workshop - My Holes (PYTHA 25 and above)
In PYTHA Workshop, the My Holes function allows for the creation and export of custom drilling. To create Vertical or Horizontal bore holes: Draw a Circular face on the surface or edge of the part you wish to drill - the diameter of the face ...
PYTHA Workshop - Shaped Parts Missing When Importing For Nesting
When producing complex parts, such as CURVES and other non-rectangular items, PYTHA may require additional information in order to generate an export correctly. If you find some parts are missing from your nesting import, try applying a GRAIN ...
PYTHA Workshop - Second Program Being Generated For Hinge Drilling
PYTHA Workshop makes it possible to automatically assign all hinge boring to a second program on export. This setting is found within the Export to CAM dialogue. NOTE: If your hinge boring is unexpectedly being forced to a second program, please ...
PYTHA Workshop - Manually Move Or Delete Type Automatic Bore Holes
Occasionally it may be necessary to MANUALLY reposition or remove one or more of the bore holes generated by Type Automatic. You may need to MOVE a hinge so that it doesn't foul on an inner drawer or DELETE a single construction hole to ensure it ...
PYTHA Workshop - Creating and Using .pyo Macros in PYTHA 25 (Lunch and Learn)
For detailed instructions on creating and using .pyo macros through Workshop in PYTHA 25 and above, please see the below link. Creating and using Workshop PYO macros for v25 with Nick Mircevski This video was recorded as part of our Lunch and Learn ...
PYTHA Workshop - Force First Program
PYTHA Workshop allows you to control which face of a part you would like to be the primary face (1st face) when both faces have machining applied. This is particularly useful when running reverse side nesting in ALPHACAM, such as shaker panels. To ...
PYTHA Workshop - Automated Internal cutouts (PYTHA 25 and above)
If running PYTHA Workshop in PYTHA 25 or above, it is possible to automatically export through internal cutouts, without the need to apply Router Edges. Any shape that has been booleaned right through a part will be exported automatically via Export ...
PYTHA Workshop - Router compensation exports incorrectly on complex part with cutouts
Sometimes when exporting complex shapes with an internal cutout the cutter compensation in your CAM system (EnRoute / EzyNest / WoodWop / bSolid) will be assigned incorrectly. The external part cutout will cut on the INSIDE of the profile, while the ...
PYTHA Workshop - Updated Workshop Manual now available
An updated version of Willy's Workshop Manual is now available for PYTHA 24 Workshop users. You can download it from the link below. Please click here to download the PYTHA 24 Workshop Manual. Once downloaded you should copy it ...
PYTHA Workshop - Adding a Router
Any number of Router tools can be added to your Workshop setup. You will need to add any routers that you wish to export machining information for into your PYTHA Workshop Tool Definitions. Once added to the Tool Definitions you can assign your ...
PYTHA Workshop - Exporting Grained Pieces for Nesting in EnRoute/EzyNest
PYTHA Workshop allows for the easy export of grained items for correct orientation when nesting. To ensure that your grained items will be rotated correctly: Grain direction (Workshop > Processing > Directions > Grain Direction) to the grained edge ...
PYTHA Workshop - Straight edges appearing curved when exported
Sometimes non-rectangular parts being processed from PYTHA will be generated with curves on edges that should be straight. To rectify this, add extra points to your part edges using the PYTHA "Divide" tool: Open Face Tools > Topology > Divide ...
PYTHA Workshop - Internal cutouts and Router Edges (PYTHA 23 & 24)
If running PYTHA Workshop in older versions of PYTHA (prior to PYTHA 25), applying the Router Edges function is necessary for the creation and export of all internal cutouts. It is not sufficient to boolean the cutout into the part - Router Edges ...
PYTHA Workshop - Hinge Drilling to Stacked or Shared Doors (PYTHA 24 and earlier)
There is a known issue in PYTHA Workshop when applying hinge drilling in certain situations. Hinge mounting plates are associated with the incorrect cabinet end when exported for manufacturing. This will occur in the following situation: When 2 ...
PYTHA Workshop - My Holes (PYTHA 24 and earlier)
In PYTHA Workshop, the My Holes function allows for the creation and export of custom bore holes. To create Vertical bore holes: Draw a Circular face - the diameter of the face determines the diameter of the bore hole Turn the face into a bore hole - ...
PYTHA Workshop - Remove Router Edges
Workshop allows you to assign router paths to edges in PYTHA. Edges with Router edges applied will be displayed as a thick yellow line. If you wish to remove Router edges from an edge: Click Workshop > Processing > Router edges ...
PYTHA Workshop - Remove Edge banding
Workshop allows you to assign your edge banding in PYTHA. Edges with edge banding applied will be displayed as a thick red line. If you wish to remove an edge: Click Workshop > Processing > Edge banding Select the edges that you want to ...
PYTHA Workshop - Banding Automatic and Group Orientation
PYTHA Workshop's Banding Automatic function uses group orientation to automatically assign your edge banding. if Banding Automatic is edging parts incorrectly, as in the image below, check the Front Face orientation of all groups and sub-groups. ...
PYTHA Workshop - Selecting your CAM export
With the introduction of Workshop, some export functions in PYTHA have been relocated. All machining exports are now done through the Workshop menu, including Analyzer. To select your CAM export: Open the Workshop menu Click CNC Output > User layer ...