PYTHA Environment - Update From Variables

PYTHA Environment - Update From Variables

PYTHA's inbuilt Parametric functionality allows for quick and easy updating of models using the option Update From Variables. When applied correctly, PYTHA's Parametrics will build a list of Variables that can then be used to make quick updates within your model. 

Please watch the short video below on using the PYTHA function Update From Variables.

If you'd just like to apply the steps from the video to your own model, here they are:

  1. Open the PYTHA model you'd like to update
  2. Open the Dimensions menu and select Parametric from the Edit section
  3. Click "Edit Variables" to see the current Variables list
  4. Change the values in the list as needed, then click OK
  5. Click "Update From Variables" in the Parametric menu and select "Exactly All Parts." PYTHA will update your model with the new values.

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