PYTHA import - Converting From Inches to Millimetres

PYTHA import - Converting From Inches to Millimetres

Sometimes when you import an external file, such as a .dxf or .skp, it will have been drawn using inches. This means you will need to convert it to the correct unit of measure (millimetres) so that it will compatible with the rest of your PYTHA drawings. You should always import external files into a new PYTHA model so that they do not interfere with current models .

 To check the unit of measure of your imported file simply refer to the project information bar at the bottom of the PYTHA window.


If the information bar shows "inch" use the following steps to convert the file into millimetres:
  1. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of where it says "inch"
  2. Change the units to "mm". When you do this the following dialogue will appear:
  1. If the part is the correct size, but is just in the wrong unit of measure, select the "1 inch --> 25.4mm" option so that your part stays the right scale
  2. If the part is the wrong size, and in the wrong unit of measure, select the "1 inch --> 1 mm" option so that your part will be scaled to the correct size

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