Parts in NC HOPS are different from parts exported from 3D Analyzer

Parts in NC HOPS are different from parts exported from 3D Analyzer

NC HOPS automatically saves the image file of the jobs that are sent through from Analyzer. It does this to cut down on processing time. However, sometimes NC HOPS displays an image from its saved images, rather than for the new files you have sent from Analyzer. It will do this if the Job Number and Cabinet Name information from Analyzer are the same as a previously processed file. 

There are a few solutions that you can try in order to resolve this:
  • Change the Job Number in the Analyzer Job properties and resend to NC HOPS

  • Change the Cabinet Name in Analyzer and resend to NC HOPS
  • Remove old image files from the NC HOPS directory "C:\Hops4\HOP\Jobs"

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