PYTHA Settings - Project Header

PYTHA Settings - Project Header

PYTHA includes a number of settings files that you can customise to suit your needs. One of these settings files controls the Project Header titles. The files that control these settings can be accessed via the PYTHA Central:
  1. Open the PYTHA Central
  2. Open the Extras menu
  3. Select Edit MODEL settings files to open the settings folder
  1. Open the file "pytha_header_eng.txt
Once the text file is open you can customise the Project Header titles to suit. Each new line of pytha_header_eng.txt represents a line in the Project Header. Once update these Project Header titles will be automatically applied to all new PYTHA models. To update the Project Header titles of any existing PYTHA models, you must import the model into a new PYTHA file. Doing this will cause any exiting Plot pages to be lost, so take care when importing!

NB: There must be a total of 12 lines in the Project Header - 10 lines for text fields and 2 lines for date fields. If you wish to leave an empty text line you must fill the line in pytha_header_eng.txt with a character, such as a hyphen (-)
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